The whole church world is being enlivened

by a rediscovery of God as Father.  To know Him at any level is to recognize that of all the things He wanted to be called, Jesus who knows His Father’s heart, commanded us to pray, “Our Father . . . ”  Had He wanted something besides sons and...

I just experienced waves of liquid love as I read this book.  The Agape Reformation has started.  Brent is a lover who will take you into the affection of your Heavenly Father.  The Baptism of Love is personal, powerful, and passionate.  Transform your life and the...

Author Brent Lokker does all of us a great service by…

The purpose of Always Loved can be summed up in this verse: “We love, because He first loved us” (1 John 4:19). Discovering the love that is beyond measure has been a great challenge for so many. Author Brent Lokker does all of us a great service by...

Foreword by Kris Vallotton

The world is full of walking wounded people who long for intimacy, but fear rejection. My guess is that this is the most fatherless generation in the history of the world. Broken homes, single parents and latchkey kids are so common in our culture that it’s become a...