There’s always passion whenever you’re talking about your life message, and that’s what comes across in Brent’s book Always Loved.  And, this is such a needed message.  A recent national survey showed that 78% of Americans have a distorted view of God, seeing God as authoritative, controlling, critical or distant.  Only 22% of those surveyed saw Him as a loving, benevolent God.  And, we’re certain those statistics aren’t limited to just the US — it’s universal.

This is a timely message that shines through not only Brent’s book, but also in the church that he and his wife, Suzanne, pastor — Blazing Fire in Pleasanton, CA.  Father God is wildly, madly, passionately in love with His children, and when we take hold of that message, we can become His agents of love here on planet earth.  Through the pages of this book, Brent takes the reader on a journey to discover the true heartbeat of Father God toward us, changing our mindsets, and drawing us into actually experiencing His love for the reader.  And, as Brent points out through wonderful stories, it’s a love that can cause us to change the culture around us.

We’ve been privileged to minister numerous times at Blazing Fire and can testify,  this book was born out of Brent and his church actually living out this life message — a message of the Father’s love.  We heartily recommend this book to you.